The Relationship between Social Economic Levels and Anemia Events in Pregnant Women in Glugur Darat Health Center


  • Berliana Noviyanti Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Harry C Simanjuntak Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Eka Samuel P Hutasoit Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Hendrika A Silitonga Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Endy Julianto Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Methodist Indonesia


Background: Anemia is a condition where the hemoglobin level in the blood was lower than normal. Anemia diagnosed when the hemoglobin level was <11 gr / dl in the first and third trimesters or <10.5 gr% in the second trimester in pregnant women. WHO stated in 2010 that 40% of the causes of maternal mortality in developing countries were associated with ane


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How to Cite

Noviyanti, B., Simanjuntak, H. C., Hutasoit, E. S. P., Silitonga, H. A., & Julianto, E. (2019). The Relationship between Social Economic Levels and Anemia Events in Pregnant Women in Glugur Darat Health Center. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 4(6), 440–447. Retrieved from


