National Health Insurance Membership and Economic Status as Determinants of Accessibility of Antenatal Care Service


  • Lely Khulafa'ur Rosidah Academy of Midwivery Dharma Husada Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
  • Rahma Novita Asdary Academy of Midwivery Dharma Husada Kediri, East Java, Indonesia


Background: According to WHO statistics, the maternal mortality rate (MMR) in developed countries is estimated at 12/100,000 live births, while in developing and low-income countries it is 239/100,000 live births. 99% of all maternal deaths are estimated to occur in developing countries, even though the causes of death can be prevented with the right policies considering that one of the goals of the Sustainable Develop

Author Biographies

Lely Khulafa'ur Rosidah, Academy of Midwivery Dharma Husada Kediri, East Java, Indonesia


Rahma Novita Asdary, Academy of Midwivery Dharma Husada Kediri, East Java, Indonesia

Global Health, Midwifery


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How to Cite

Rosidah, L. K., & Asdary, R. N. (2021). National Health Insurance Membership and Economic Status as Determinants of Accessibility of Antenatal Care Service. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 6(4), 507–515. Retrieved from


