Caretakers' Role in Personal Hygiene Children with Down Syndrome


  • Rifka Purnamawati Master’s Program of Health Promotion, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Zahroh Shaluhiyah Public Health Faculty of Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Antono Suryoputro Public Health Faculty of Diponegoro University, Indonesia



Background: Despite their flaws, children with down syndrome require caretakers' involvement, especially in personal hygiene. Caretakers play a critical role in meetings in terms of cleanliness. This study investigates the role of caretakers in the Personal Hygiene of children with down syndrome.            

Subjects and Method: This study was a qualitative phenomenological approach conducted at  Public Disability-Specific Schools in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Purposive sampling of 10 people based on specific criteria is used to find participants. In-depth interviews, observations, and field notes were used to collect data.

Results: This study has resulted that the role of caretakers in the personal hygiene of children with down syndrome is divided into five themes: developing communication skills with children, providing examples through specific media, providing surrounding support, providing a reward or consequences, and modeling.

Conclusion: The role of caretakers has a significant impact on the learning of personal hygiene, so strategies are required to enable children to carry out self-cleaning tasks thoroughly.

Keywords: caretaker; personal hygiene; down syndrome.

Correspondence:Rifka Purnamawati. Master’s Program in Health Promotion, Diponegoro University, Indonesia. Email: Mobile: +6287836126783.


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How to Cite

Purnamawati, R., Shaluhiyah, Z., & Suryoputro, A. (2023). Caretakers’ Role in Personal Hygiene Children with Down Syndrome. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 8(3), 255–263.


