Optimizing the Combination of Oxytocin Massage and Hypnobreastfeeding for Breast Milk Production among Post-Partum Mothers
Background: The incidence of post-partum blues both in Indonesia and abroad has been quite high; the stress that post-partum mothers experience will inhibit breast milk production and, as a result, breastfeeding process should be stopped earlier. Hypnobreastfeeding relaxation and oxytocin massage have been a combination of therapy that might decrease the rate of Adenocorticotropic Hormon (ACTH) and that might assist hormone and prolactin secrection in order that breast milk production becomes fluent. This study then aimed at analyzing the optimization of the combination of oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding in order to decrease anxiety and to improve breast milk production among post-partum mothers.
Subjects and Method: This was an analytic experimental study with Randomized Control Trial (RCT) design. This study was conducted at Dr. Suradji Tirtonegoro Central General Hospital, Klaten, from January 25th, 2017 until March 9th, 2017. The population in this study was 200 post-partum mothers. A sample of 60 post-partum mothers was selected for this study and allocated into the intervention group (n1= 30) and the control group (n2= 30). The intervention group would be treated by the combination of oxytocin massage and hypno
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