Path Analysis on the Effect of Birthweight, Maternal Education, Stimulation, Exclusive Breastfeeding, and Nutritional Status on Motoric Development in Children Aged 6-24 Months in Banyumas District, Central Java
Background: The first two years of a child life is a critical period for his growth and development. Motor skill is one of the elements of children development. Having good control of motor skill helps children in exploring their surrounding also helps in improving development. The study aimed to explain the effect of birth weight, maternal education, provision of stimulation, and nutritional status toward the development of children under two years old.
Subjects and Method: The method of the study was analytic observational, with retrospective cohort approach. The study was conducted in 4 sub-districts of Banyumas Regency included: Kembaran, Somagede, Cilongok and Sumpiuh. Cluster sampling was used as subject selection techniques and were classified based on low birth weight and non low birth weight (fixed exposure sampling). There were a total of 120 children whom 40 of them were born with Low Birth Weight and 80 of them with normal birth weight. Exogenous variables among others were birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding, maternal education, stimulation provision. Endogeneous variables were nutritional status, and motor development. Data collection was conducted by using Early Detection Intervention Stimulation for Growth and Development (SDIDTK). Path analysis was used as the analysis technique.
Result: Motor development was affected by nutritional status (b=0.12; SE= 0.04; p=0.006), frequency of stimulation (b=0.04; SE= 0.01; p=0.005), birth weight (b=0.33; SE=0.06; p<0.001), and maternal education (b=0.02; SE=0.07; p=0.719). Nutritional status was affected by exclusive breastfeeding (b =0.10, SE=0.15; p=0.507), maternal education (b=0.23; SE=0.13; p=0.078) and birth weight (b=0.38; SE=0.12; p=0.002).
Conclusion: Motor development was affected by nutritional status, frequency of stimulation, birth weight, and maternal education. Nutritional status was affected by exclusive breastfeeding, maternal education and birth weight.
Key words: birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding, stimulation, maternal education, nutritional status, motor development.
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