Difference Of Fetal Weight Between Conventional vs Electric Smoke Exposure in Mice (Mus Musculus)


  • Nurry Ayuningtyas Kusumastuti Study Program in Midwivery, Shcool of Health Sciences Yatsi Tangerang, Indonesia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1016-1241
  • Siti Haeriyah Study Program in Midwivery, Shcool of Health Sciences Yatsi Tangerang, Indonesia
  • Yuni Susilowati Study Program in Nursing, Shcool of Health Sciences Yatsi Tangerang, Indonesia


Background: The increase in tobacco excise rates (CHT) or cigarette excise in early 2020 is a reason for smokers to switch to using e-cigarettes. WHO reports that about 64.9% of adult men in Indonesia are smokers, while in women it is 2.1%. This shows that Indonesia is ranked first in the world. Exposure to e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes will affect pregnancy and the fetus it contains. However, in reality, most people have the perception that e-cigarettes are safer than conventional cigarettes because their nicotine content is much lower than conventional cigarettes. The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in exposure to e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes on fetal weight in mice (mus musculus).

Subjects and Method: This study used a true experimental design which was divided into two groups, namely 16 female mice as a group given exposure to e-cigarettes and 16 female mice as a group being exposed to conventional cigarettes. The dependent variable is the weight of the fetus. The independent variables were exposure to e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes. The instrument in this study used a digital gold scale with an accuracy of 0.01 gram. Data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney test.

Results: On average, exposure to e-cigarettes had a greater fetal weight (Mean= 1.61; SD= 0.64) than exposure to conventional cigarettes (Mean= 1.48; SD= 1.19), and this result was statistically significant (p < 0.001).

Conclusion: There are differences in exposure to e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes on fetal weight in mice (Mus musculus).

Author Biography

Nurry Ayuningtyas Kusumastuti, Study Program in Midwivery, Shcool of Health Sciences Yatsi Tangerang, Indonesia

Study Program in Midwivery


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How to Cite

Kusumastuti, N. A., Haeriyah, S., & Susilowati, Y. (2021). Difference Of Fetal Weight Between Conventional vs Electric Smoke Exposure in Mice (Mus Musculus). Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 6(5), 570–579. Retrieved from https://thejmch.com/index.php/thejmch/article/view/676


