Micronutrients Intake and Mathematics Achievement among Primary School Children in Magelang, Central Java


  • Romiza Arika Sebelas Maret University http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8753-9150
  • Sapja Anantanyu Doctoral Program in Community Development and Empowerment, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret


Background: Micronutrient deficiency in school children is estimated at more than 2 million children. Deficiency of micronutrients causes damage to the physical functioning of children, impaired cognitive function, learning processes that are less than optimal, and poor academic performance. This study aimed to analyze the relationships between iodine, iron, zinc intake, and math achievement primary school children.

Subjects and Method: This was an obser


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How to Cite

Arika, R., Anantanyu, S., & Dewi, Y. L. R. (2020). Micronutrients Intake and Mathematics Achievement among Primary School Children in Magelang, Central Java. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 5(2), 182–192. Retrieved from https://thejmch.com/index.php/thejmch/article/view/377


